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(Hybrid mode of Physical & Online Event
27th October 2023 (Friday)  2023年10月27日(星期五)

上午 10:00 am ~ 6:00 pm (HKT, GMT+8)

Venue 場地: Room 201BC, Asia-World Expo,
Hong Kong International Airport 

Free of Charge 費用全免
CPD Certificate available upon Request for Hong Kong Resident only 

Jointly Organized by 聯合舉辦單位:

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An official event of


Strategic Partner 戰略合作夥伴:


Synopsis 論壇概要

Building on the success of the 3rd“Hydrogen Economy Forum” (HEF3 2022), we take great pleasure in organizing the “The Fourth Hydrogen Economy Forum” (HEF4 2023) for the fourth consecutive year. HEF4 2023 is a special event of the “Eco Asia Conference” under “Eco Expo Asia 2023” and will be conducted physically and online at t Room 201BC, Asia-World Expo, Hong Kong International Airport.

在成功舉辦第三屆氫能經濟會議(HEF3 2022)的基礎上,我們很高興連續第四年舉辦“第四屆氫能經濟論壇”(HEF4 2023)。 HEF4 2023 是 “國際環保博覽2023” 下的 “國際環保會議” 的特別論壇,將在香港國際機場亞洲國際博覽館201BC舉行。


This year, we are again privileged to have the continued support from the Hong Kong Trade Development Council as our Strategic Partner, making HEF4 2023 an official and integral part of Eco Expo Asia 2022. We will invite Miss Diane WONG (黃淑嫻 女士), JP, Under Secretary for Environment and Ecology, HKSAR Government as our Guest of Honor, and Ir Dr Hon LO Wai Kwok (盧偉國 議員 博士 工程師), GBS, MH, JP to deliver a Welcome Speech at HEF4, followed by presentations and sharing by more than ten (10) renowned experts in the field of H2 applications.

今年,我們有幸再次得到香港貿易發展局作為戰略合作伙伴的持續支持,使第四屆氫能經濟論壇成為 2023 年國際環保博覽的正式組成部分。


我們很榮幸邀請到黃淑嫻 女士 MH, JP 香港特別行政區政府環境及生態局副局長成為我們的主禮嘉賓,與盧偉國 議員 博士 工程師 GBS, MH, JP 在大會上發表致辭,隨後有十多位氫能領域的知名專家發表演講和分享。


The event is completely free-of-charge, but the number of participants is limited, and seats of both physical and virtual events will be given on a first come-first-serve basis. Please secure your seat by filling in the registration form below. Joining instructions will be sent to successful applicants by email at least one (1) working day before the event.

本論壇活動完全免費,但參加人數有限實體和線上活動的座位將以先到先得的方式提供。請在 2023 年 10 月 26 日(星期四)之前填寫下面的報名表格來確保您的座位。參加説明將在活動開始前至少一 (1) 個工作日通過電子郵件發送給成功的申請者。 

Continued Professional Development (CPD) certificate for 3 hours will be given (a) when requested during online registration and (b) attendance of 2.5 hours minimum. Programme indicated below is tentatively only and is subject to change without notice on the date of the event. In case of enquiry on the Forum, please send email to Mr. Peter Ho

證書:3 小時的持續專業發展 (CPD) 證書將在以下情況下提供:(a) 在在線註冊期間提出要求且 (b) 出席至少 2.5 小時。如對論壇有任何查詢,請發電郵何基章先生

Anchor 1

Formulário de registro

Para se inscrever, por favor, preencha as informações abaixo.
(Se você precisar de um certificado CPD, as informações inseridas serão mostradas no certificado)

Age Range 年齡層
Which way will you join the event? 您會如何參與是次論壇呢?
Você é membro dos Co-Organizadores?

In case you are not a member of the Co-Organizers, please consider joining 如果您還不是聯合舉辦單位的會員,請考慮加入:


Do you require a CPD 3-hour certificate? (An electronic CPD certificate will be sent to the email address entered above within 1 month after the event. Available to Hong Kong Residents Only) 您需要 CPD 3 小時證明書嗎? (活動結束後1個月內,電子CPD證書將電郵至上述的電郵地址,僅限香港居民)

(Certifique-se de que o seu endereço de e-mail está correto e atualizado. O link da reunião e o certificado CPD, se solicitado, serão enviados para este endereço de e-mail)

Would you like to be notified on post-event posting and future events of HKGSA, HKEnvIA, HAESCO, BEC and STARS Foundation? 您想獲得有關 HKGSA、HKEnviA、HAESCO、BEC 和 STARS Foundation 的活動後發布和未來活動的通知嗎?
Onde você descobriu este evento?

Eco Expo Asia 2021 do HKTDC
Os Organizadores são Parceiros do Evento do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Comercial de Hong Kong (HKTDC), e esta Conferência é um evento oficial da “Eco Expo Asia 2021” organizado pelo HKTDC. Ao se registrar para esta Conferência, os participantes estão cientes e reconhecem, e tiveram ampla oportunidade e opções de cancelamento durante o registro, que o HKTDC pode usar os participantes & # 39; informações voluntárias para fins de desenvolvimento de comércio e atividades de correspondência de negócios. Os Organizadores desta Conferência não aceitam qualquer responsabilidade, direta ou consequente, como resultado da inscrição dos participantes nas atividades organizadas separadamente do HKTDC.

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